Este é o Meu Mundo!

Acho que estava na hora de reunir todas as minhas coisas em um lugar... O melhor horário pra ler estes posts é no fim do dia, as coisas vão acontecendo e vou divagando...


Frase da Vez

Previsão pra hoje...

Posted in

You are regretting a recent relationship breakdown and you feel very guilty for having causes it. Give it a bit of time and you'll see this conflict quite differently.
You are experiencing relative calm and comfort in your home. But you are worried that this peace and quite may not last long.
You may lose a bit of money in a legal dispute. But you will also gain a lot of profit as a skill or craft you possess suddenly becomes in demand.
Your intuition and your sixth sense are quite strong and often help you jump to the correct conclusion. But a young man or woman you've known for a while becomes annoyed, feeling that you are not listening!

eu ri uns 3 minutos dessa de hoje... ri uuns 2 minutos pela de ontem... amanhã será um ataque de riso!


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