Este é o Meu Mundo!

Acho que estava na hora de reunir todas as minhas coisas em um lugar... O melhor horário pra ler estes posts é no fim do dia, as coisas vão acontecendo e vou divagando...


Frase da Vez

Previsão do dia

Posted in

There is no surprise that you often come up with the best strategy in the social and business battles. You are very flexible competitor, always anticipating and preparing for likely changes and hurdles along the way.
You dearly hold on to your memories of the past and your old friendships. Often you discover both pleasures and opportunities in reminiscing in the past years.
Your home improvement project gets a boost when you receive a letter or document confirming some important development you've envisioned for the past few months.
You are tactful and adroit when trying to change the opinion of someone else. You are quite sensitive to the fact that others cherish their own dogma and usually dig in their heals to defend their creed.

Ri mais com a de ontem...

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