Este é o Meu Mundo!

Acho que estava na hora de reunir todas as minhas coisas em um lugar... O melhor horário pra ler estes posts é no fim do dia, as coisas vão acontecendo e vou divagando...


Frase da Vez

Depois da queda... o coice...(já ouvi isso em algum lugar...)

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Sabe... depois de tudo caiu a ficha.
Acho que nem vale a pena explicar tudo aqui, só vou deixar minha pergunta no refrão desta música...

Joe Cocker - Don't You Love Me Anymore
I thought I'd see you smile
When I walked in the door
Thought those arms of yours would be open wide
the way the were... before
Why do you look at me like I'm so stranger in the night?
Why do you pull away when you used to hold me so tight?

*Don't you love me anymore?
Can you like to live your life without me?
Don't you love me anymore?

When did the fire go out?
Where did the feeling go?
Y'can't slip away, when I wasn't there and now I've come home
I thought you wanted me back,
I was sure you would ask me to stay
I thought you needed me still,
Yes it will then work out that away


Darling....When did the fire go out?
Where did the feeling go?
Why do you pull away,
When you used to hold so close baby...

Será? Já não sei...

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